Our science based startups are continuously looking for early-stage investments to help their companies grow. We believe that economic and social prosperity occur because founders are able to make a lasting positive impact by creating cutting edge science and innovation, jobs and revenue.
Since our ecosystem spans research fields from medicine to law, from AI to life sciences and from humanities to physics, our portfolio of startups represent numerous opportunities and growth stages.
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Do you want to get connected to companies (in the making) that fit your investment portfolio? Or would you just like to exchange ideas and get acquainted? Shoot us an e-mail
Met de zogeheten ikHerstel-app herstellen patiënten aanzienlijk van grote buikoperaties dan patiënten die de app niet gebruiken. Het herstel duurt nog maar 7 in plaats van 9 weken. Met de app ervaren patiënten meer eigen regie door zelf actief aan hun herstel te werken. Daardoor wordt ook het zorgpersoneel ontlast.
NewsAt Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus (REC) a Hub will arise, dedicated to cultivating a culture of impact learning, research, innovation, and valorisation.
NewsIkHerstel, an app that helps patients recover after surgery, is getting a capital injection by CbusineZ – the investment arm of health insurer CZ, together with investment company Healthy Capital.