Alumni of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) Rosanne Verbeek and Desi Bootsman have been nominated for the Bep van de Velden Award for young female entrepreneurs. With their innovative startups they have a chance to win the award together with seven others.
The award is an amount of 5000 euros to invest in your own start-up. The prize is named after Bep van de Velden, the Arnhem entrepreneur who passed away in 2018. She was co-founder of the company CCV that specializes in payment solutions.
Women between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible for the prize.
Rosanne Verbeek is founder of FemAlert, a startup that strives for safe nightlife for everyone. By means of a platform it is possible to report inappropriate behavior in an easy and accessible way while going out.
Desi Bootsman, creator of the start-up Mazehunter focuses on helping children with dyslexia by promoting cooperation between the hemispheres of the brain through playing a game.
Both nominees participated in the AUAS 10K pre-incubator program where students are guided to turn their innovative idea into a startup.
Verbeek and Bootsman, along with eight other candidates, will first be offered master classes through the organization behind the award, which stimulates female entrepreneurship. The winner of the Bep van de Velden Award will be announced on October 4th.
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