Fitsurance was awarded RVO MIT feasibility subsidy from Provincie Noord Holland. With this subsidy Fitsurance will investigate the feasibility of a Reinforcement Learning system that analyzes the best method to motivate someone to exercise more. The software is intended for patients with a metabolic disease and for healthy people to prevent metabolic diseases.
The feasibility study investigates the best method to analyze the data and convert it into predictive values using Reinforcement Learning and other Machine Learning methods. In addition, Fitsurance will examine the minimum amount of data required to train the AI models.
Change of lifestyle
Sauvik Das Gupta, co-founder at Fitsurance: “At Fitsurance we are delighted to get our third subsidy and this is special as this comes after a wait of 2 years. With this subsidy we can now investigate the potential of Reinforcement learning to make a smart system to motivate someone to exercise more. We envision that such a system can not only help people to prevent lifestyle related diseases in the future, but also help people with certain metabolic and lifestyle related diseases to overcome them simply by making a change to their lifestyle.”
About Fitsurance
VU startup Fitsurance is a social enterprise, founded by Human Movement Scientists Sauvik Das Gupta, Stef Beijk and Tommie Koppens in Amsterdam, aimed at decreasing chronic diseases and increasing healthy life expectancy by providing health data-coaching. Individuals are coached on 44 underlying health variables (cholesterol, blood sugar/HbA1c, blood pressure, etc.) and thereby quantifying health changes (as a result of lifestyle adaptations). Fitsurance translates these health variables into practical hands-on lifestyle recommendations adapted to an individual’s goals and wishes. For additional support, knowledge transfer and community building Fitsurance organizes Webinars in which experts (scientists, doctors, trainers, therapists, etc.) cover subjects related to health, lifestyle, sports and exercise. Fitsurance started at Demonstrator Lab and is now resident of Amsterdam Venture Studios on VU Campus.
MIT feasibility subsidy
The MIT: Feasibility Projects subsidizes technical and economic risk analyzations of an innovation project such as a literature review, market survey or industrial research. Read more about MIT Feasibility subsidy.
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